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Exploratory Research Grant Projects

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Effects of E-commerce on Suppliers and Clients

This project evaluates the impact of a business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-commerce platform on the industry producing the Chinese writing brush.

Research Project
1 Nov 2019

Crunch Time: How Bureaucrats' Term of Office Affects Coercive and Collusive Bribes

This project will study whether customs officers affect firms’ bribery costs and trade costs, and how these officers' time horizons and professional relationships operate as mechanisms.

Research Project
1 Nov 2019

Social Networks and Search Frictions in Day Labour Markets

In South Asia, three quarters of ultra-poor households report casual labour as the dominant form of income. In urban areas, short-term construction jobs are found through social connections or by going to a “labour stand”, essentially an intersection where low-skilled labourers wait each morning for employers looking to hire for a day or two.

Research Project
1 Oct 2019

Why Do Firms in Low-Income Countries Grow Slowly? An Investigation of Demand-Side Mechanisms

This project examines demand-side constraints to the growth of firms in Uganda including search and contracting frictions related to asymmetric information on quality.

Research Project
1 Oct 2019

Political Connections and Access to Private-Sector Growth: Evidence from an Audit Experiment in Senegal

This project examines whether political and personal connections, as well as co-ethnicity, co-religiosity and gender, affect access to institutions.

Research Project
1 Oct 2019

Dispute resolution and microenterprise growth in a 'fragile' state: Evidence from Somalia

This project examines the formal and informal institutions for dispute resolution used by microenterprises in Somalia, how access to them affects business outcomes and whether the provision of female-only saving and loan groups can redress gender imbalances in access to dispute resolution.

Research Project
1 Aug 2019

Pricing Decisions and Over-Entry of Delhi Fruit Vendors

This project explores the theory that the lack of price competition between vendors, and the subsequent oversupply of vendors, is caused by collusion and under-experimentation.

Research Project
1 Aug 2019

Developing a “Product-Market Experimentation & Fit” Measurement Tool and Testing its Effectiveness via an RCT with Lean Start-up Entrepreneurs in Kenya and Uganda

This project aims to improve our understanding of ‘demand-side factors’ related to why some small firms succeed and scale-up, while others do not.

Research Project
1 Aug 2019

Financial deepening through loan pricing transparency and its impacts

This project investigates the role of access to comparative loan information in consumer borrowing decisions, and how providing easy-to-process comparative information improves decision making.

Research Project
1 Aug 2019
