This project develops a theory and estimation framework for inter-firm production networks in the presence of distortions at the firm and firm-to-firm levels.
This project examines how the design and introduction of a whistleblower system affect information transmission by employees and misconduct by employers.
In this project, Schreiber sets up suggestion boxes for 1,600 workers in a Bangladeshi garment factory and tests the efficacy of two cross-randomized voice-enhancing managerial interventions through an RCT.
This project uses an RCT to study two interventions that may address market frictions caused by information asymmetry in the context of markets for maize and bean seeds.
This project assesses whether more accurate record-keeping by small-business owners enables them to improve their business practices and whether providing complementary business advice can aid adoption of record-keeping.
This project aims to understand workers’ selfselection and firm’s screening on potential employees, as well as the impact of being employed at a large, modern manufacturing factory on the workers.
This projects studies how firms are affected when transportation infrastructure provides them with access to new markets and when outside firms gain access to their local markets.