This study investigates the barriers to digital technology adoption and the latter's impact on productivity in the informal transit sector.
This study investigates how demand shocks propagate through the production network to ultimate producers, by looking at cocoa bean production in Ghana.
This study investigates the effect of foreign direct investment on domestic worker flows and labour poaching.
This project studies the impact of prepaid meter adoption on firm electricity use, revenues and profits.
This project investigates how rising sea levels affect the distribution of economic activity and economic growth.
This project investigates what market frictions may prevent labour reallocation within and across sectors.
This project investigates the effectiveness of business training programmes on the growth of women-led businesses.
This study investigates the drivers and barriers to the adoption of sustainable energy sources among ready-made garment factories in Bangladesh.
This project investigates how and when higher demand-side quality standards induce technology adoption in low-income countries.