The following researchers have received grants during the first two rounds of the Exploratory Research Grants:
First Round:
Stephen Anderson-Macdonald (London Business School), "Managerial Capital and Business Transformation in Low-Income Countries"
Daniel Xi Yu (Duke University), "Mechanisms of Demand Building and Export Dynamics of Chinese Footwear Firms"
Michael Callen (UC San Diego), "Using Mobile Salary Payments to Improve Afghan Firm Performance"
Deborah Brautigam (International Food Policy Research Institute), "Flying Geese in Ethiopia's Leather Cluster? Understanding Asian/Chinese Impact"
Paula Bustos (CREI Universitat Pompeu Fabra), "Agricultural Productivity and Industrial Growth. Evidence from Brazil"
Second Round:
Marc Ivaldi (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales), "Impact of Cartels in Low-Income Countries"
Marcel Fafchamps (Oxford University), "Piloting an Internship Program for Young Ethiopian Entrepreneurs"
Shelby Grossman (Harvard University), "The Relationship Between Private Ordering and the State in Nigeria"
David Atkin (Yale University), "The Impact of Exporting: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment"
Muthoni Ngatia (Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab), "Brewing Success: Market Incentives to Improve the Quality of Kenyan Coffee"
Chrispin Mphuka (University of Zambia), "Borrower Switching Behaviour, Market Dominance and Bank Competition of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Credit in Zambia"
Daniel Keniston (Yale University), "What Causes Dispersion in Revenue and Output Across Firms? The Brick Industry in India"
Mamello Nchake (University of Cape Town), "Price Integration in Low-Income Countries: Market Structure and Retail Price Setting Behaviour in Lesotho"
Suresh Naidu (University of Columbia), "Haitian Business Elites and Their Consequences for Development"