
Measuring the Unmeasured: Combining Technology and Survey Design to Filter Noise in Self-Reported Business Outcomes

The research team has designed a new electronic survey tool to reduce the high levels of measurement error in data on micro-enterprise sales and profits and tests this new approach in a randomized controlled trial among micro-entrepreneurs in Ghana.  

Research Project
22 Jul 2014

Measuring the Competitiveness of Markets and predicting the impact of policy: A study of the West African Retail Tyre Market

This project aims to better understand productivity dispersion by developing a market-specific measure of the competitive pressure to innovate and exit, and also a comprehensive measure of productivity dispersion, in the retail tyre market in West Africa.

Research Project
20 Jul 2014

Trade Associations, Customary Social Networks, and Female Microentrepreneurs in Ghana

Focusing on the tailoring and cosmetology trades in Ghana, this study aims to estimate the private returns to trade association membership for women and identify how these benefits differ for those connected outside the trade association. 

Research Project
5 Jul 2014

Making Forgotten Firm Data Available for Research in Ghana and Swaziland

This project aims to bring micro-data collected by statistical agencies in Ghana and Swaziland into the research domain, to standardise the data series over time and to provide supporting documentation to allow for the use of this data by the broader research community.

Research Project
28 Jun 2014

Making Forgotten Firm Data Available for Research in Ghana and Swaziland

This project endeavours to create a database of unused firm level micro-data collected by statistical agencies in Ghana and Swaziland, standardizing and digitizing existing data for use by the research community.

Research Project
28 Jun 2014
