This project will provide monitoring technology to SMEs in a randomized controlled trial to improve their ability to write effective contracts with their employees.
This study conducts a unique experimental evaluation of an intervention that focuses on technical training and the creation of economies of scale among small enterprises to increase access to markets.
This project evaluates the impact of mobility restrictions imposed by military occupation on the development of the IT sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.
This randomized controlled trial will evaluate the impact of three different mechanisms aimed at improving regulatory transparency in business tax collection and reducing corruption in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Building on previous exploratory work, this study utilizes data from conflict-affected Eastern Congo to examine the formation of ‘states’ by armed groups, their taxation activities, and policies aimed at reducing their state capacity.
A unique study collects North Korean data and estimates a structural model to simulate the potential reunification and integration scenario for the economies of North and South Korea.
A combination of geographical data on post-conflict land mines and micro-level economic data allows for the quantification of the long-run effects of land mines on economic performance and development of conflict-affected states such as Mozambique.