Modelling market frictions in LICs using newly available data

Mitigating Market Frictions by Monitoring Employees in SMEs: A Field Experiment in Kenya's Public Transport Sector (Stage One)

A field experiment to fit Kenyan minibuses with GPS fleet management technology will provide information about the effect of monitoring on market frictions and negative externalities due to driver behaviour. 

Research Project
25 Feb 2015

Entry Dynamics in Developing Markets: Evidence from the Indian Market for Potassium Fertilizer

This research explores the factors that affect the pattern of firm entry into different geographic markets in developing countries by focusing on the Indian market for potassium fertilizer. 

Research Project
20 Jan 2015

Firm Productivity and Wage Growth: Evidence from Brazilian Manufacturing Data

The researchers investigate the dynamics of firm productivity and worker compensation in developing economies by studying firm-level Brazilian manufacturing data for a period of high economic growth following economic reform.

Research Project
16 Jan 2015

Transparency, Firm Performance, and Business Networks: Evidence from the Construction Sector in Uganda

This project aims to estimate the relationship between corporate transparency, firm performance, and business networks in a developing country with a focus on the construction sector supply chain in Uganda. 

Research Project
21 Nov 2014

Product and Destination Shifting by Firms in International Trade: Evidence from Kenya’s Manufacturing Exporters

This project will develop an integrated firm transaction database for Kenyan firms in order to study firm productivity, entry and exit dynamics into international trade, and switching in product and destination space in response to a changing investment climate.

Research Project
21 Nov 2014

Firm Survival in the Face of Economic Crises: A Tracer Study of Zimbabwean Manufacturing Firms from the early 1990s

This project conducts a Tracer Survey of Zimbabwean manufacturing firms to determine firm survival and firm responses to extreme and persistent economic crises and policy shocks.

Research Project
20 Nov 2014

Quality Testing to Address a Market for Lemons in Pakistan

A pilot study using two milk quality-testing technologies investigates the potential existence of a lemons problem in the market for untreated milk in Lahore, Pakistan, as well as the impact of information interventions on both sides of the market. 

Research Project
20 Nov 2014

Industrial Spillovers and the Design of Private Enterprise Industrial Clusters in Zambia

Can government-created industrial clusters enable SMEs to exploit spillovers and improve productivity in Zambia?

Research Project
20 Nov 2014

The Value of Face-to-Face: Travel and the Information Costs of Trade

This project aims to identify the information costs of trade by focusing on business travel of Nigerian traders to their Chinese suppliers and building a panel data set to facilitate this analysis. 

Research Project
19 Nov 2014

The Allocative Efficiency of Land and Energy in India

This project investigates the usage and allocation efficiency of land and energy within India by focusing on the manufacturing sector and developing data to quantify the issues relating to land allocation and energy supply.

Research Project
19 Nov 2014
