Understanding how constraints interact using micro-founded macro models

Firm Productivity and Wage Growth: Evidence from Brazilian Manufacturing Data

The researchers investigate the dynamics of firm productivity and worker compensation in developing economies by studying firm-level Brazilian manufacturing data for a period of high economic growth following economic reform.

Research Project
16 Jan 2015

Firm Survival in the Face of Economic Crises: A Tracer Study of Zimbabwean Manufacturing Firms from the early 1990s

This project conducts a Tracer Survey of Zimbabwean manufacturing firms to determine firm survival and firm responses to extreme and persistent economic crises and policy shocks.

Research Project
20 Nov 2014

The Allocative Efficiency of Land and Energy in India

This project investigates the usage and allocation efficiency of land and energy within India by focusing on the manufacturing sector and developing data to quantify the issues relating to land allocation and energy supply.

Research Project
19 Nov 2014

Joint Lending, not Borrowing: a New Approach to Credit and Entrepreneurship in LDCs

By creating a theoretical model along with a unique, novel data set, this project sheds light on the relationship between credit and investor partnerships and the resulting level of entrepreneurship.  

Research Project
9 Oct 2014

What are the Barriers to Industrial Upgrading? Evidence from Pakistan

By studying the football and surgical goods industries of Pakistan, this project seeks to identify barriers to upgrading in manufacturing firms such as high costs of high-quality inputs and fixed costs of innovation. 

Research Project
5 Aug 2014

Agglomeration Externalities, Spatial Policies and Welfare

This project draws on rich Indonesian data to study the externalities and impacts of agglomeration in order for relevant insight into spatially targeted policies for manufacturing firms in Low-Income Countries (LICs). 

Research Project
30 Jul 2014

Measuring and Modelling Market Frictions and their Interaction as a Determinant of Aggregate Sector Performance

This project draws on ongoing data collection methods to understand small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Low-Income Countries (LICs) and their financial activities, in order to create models for policy recommendations designed to address market frictions.

Research Project
30 Jul 2014

Is Poor Management Holding Back African Development?

These researchers use their existing in-depth survey methodology to collect extensive management data on three African countries and Brazil and investigate differences in management practices and productivity across firms and countries.

Research Project
30 Jul 2014

Easing Constraints for Small Firm Expansion in Uganda: Measuring Indirect Spillovers Through Inter-Firm Networks

Building on an existing large-scale randomized controlled trial involving Ugandan SMEs, this project measures the spillover effects of several business expansion interventions on the business practices of firms that belong to the ‘treated’ firms’ social, business and market networks. 

Research Project
30 Jul 2014

Virtual Social Networks and Entrepreneurship in Low-Income Countries: A Randomized Controlled Experiment in Ghana

This experiment investigates the potential of virtual social networks and access to technology in promoting innovative entrepreneurship in Low-Income Countries. 

Research Project
25 Jul 2014
