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Research Notes

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Displaying 37-45 of 128 results

The Microstructure of Corporate Bond Markets in Emerging Economies: Evidence from Africa

Using survey and interview data gathered from 13 countries in Africa, and bond issuance data from DataStream, this study reveals that corporate bond markets in Africa use reasonably modern trading infrastructure.

Research Note
29 Oct 2021

Dispute Resolution and Microenterprise Ownership in a 'Fragile' State: Evidence from Somalia

Can informal institutions facilitate enterprise growth through resolving business disputes in the contexts where formal mechanisms are near-complete failure?

Research Note
30 Jun 2021

Ghanaian Firms and the Evolution of the Manufacturing Sector in Ghana

As a result of this project the Ghanaian 2014 Integrated Business Establishment Survey (IBES) firm census microdata has been made publicly available through DataFirst, a microdata repository at the University of Cape Town.

Research Note
30 Jun 2021

Market Competition, Management Practices, and Performances of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Burkina Faso

This project highlights how improving managerial practices may foster the development of the private sector and how the economic environment may create incentives for better management among small and medium-sized enterprises in low-income countries.

Research Note
20 May 2021

Mechanising Agriculture: Impacts for Labour and Agricultural Productivity

The measurement of the returns to adoption of mechanised practices is of first order relevance to understanding the effect of policies directed towards capital intensification on overall productivity.

Research Note
18 May 2021

Skin in the Game: Microequity and Mentorship for Online Freelancing-based Microentrepreneurs in Bangladesh

In this pilot project, we demonstrate the exciting potential of online freelancing for improving the incomes of poor youth in rural Bangladesh.

Research Note
23 Apr 2021

Terrorism Financing, Recruitment and Attacks: Evidence from Pakistan

This study examines how the timing and location of terrorism financing relates to terrorist attacks and whether there is a link between financing and recruitment in generating attacks.

Research Note
8 Apr 2021

Development through Integration

What would happen if a poor country were to be integrated with a richer neighbor? Our analysis of the reunification of South and North Korea shows convergence of income between countries but divergence within.

Research Note
2 Mar 2021

Management Traits as Embodied Human Capital: A Randomised Field Experiment in Ethiopia

What is the effect of exposing motivated youth to firm management in practice? To answer this question, we place young professionals for one month in established firms to shadow middle managers.

Research Note
12 Feb 2021
