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Displaying 163-171 of 447 results

Pollution in Ugandan Cities: Do Managers Avoid it or Adapt in Place?

Developing countries suffer from rising urban pollution levels, with associated negative effects on health and worker productivity. We study how managers in developing country cities cope with the polluted environment.

Working Paper
14 Jul 2021

TFP Estimation at the Firm Level: Do Fiscal Pressure, the Legal Form, and the Local Competition Matter for Firm Performance in Senegal

This paper reviews the state of the art in firm-level Total Factor Productivity (TFP) estimation by employing an unbalanced panel of 4,501 Senegalese firms in the Construction and Trade Services industries over the period 2008–2018.

Working Paper
7 Jul 2021

Kinship Taxation as an Impediment to Growth: Experimental Evidence from Kenyan Microenterprises

This paper documents strong pressure on productive entrepreneurs in a developing country setting to share their income. This ‘kinship tax’ can distort productive decisions, including investment.

Working Paper
7 Jul 2021

Monitoring in Small Firms: Experimental Evidence from Kenyan Public Transit

This paper was initially published in 2018 under the title 'The Impact of Monitoring Technologies on Contracts and Employee Behavior: Experimental Evidence from Kenya's Transit Industry'.

Working Paper
2 Jul 2021

Dispute Resolution and Microenterprise Ownership in a 'Fragile' State: Evidence from Somalia

Can informal institutions facilitate enterprise growth through resolving business disputes in the contexts where formal mechanisms are near-complete failure?

Research Note
30 Jun 2021

Ghanaian Firms and the Evolution of the Manufacturing Sector in Ghana

As a result of this project the Ghanaian 2014 Integrated Business Establishment Survey (IBES) firm census microdata has been made publicly available through DataFirst, a microdata repository at the University of Cape Town.

Research Note
30 Jun 2021

Small business training to improve management practices in developing countries: re-assessing the evidence for ‘training doesn’t work’

Despite the popularity of business training among policy-makers, its use has faced increasing scepticism. Most of the first randomized experiments could not detect statistically significant impacts of training on firm profits or sales.

Journal Article
29 Jun 2021

Fixed Costs, Markups and Concentration in Eswatini (Swaziland): A Firm-level Analysis of Panel Data

This paper documents the evolution of markups and concentration, detects causality between firm churning and markups/concentration, and determines the impact of fixed costs on markups.

Journal Article
26 Jun 2021
