This project uses an RCT to study two interventions that may address market frictions caused by information asymmetry in the context of markets for maize and bean seeds.
This project evaluates the impact of a business-to-business and business-to-consumer e-commerce platform on the industry producing the Chinese writing brush.
This project examines demand-side constraints to the growth of firms in Uganda including search and contracting frictions related to asymmetric information on quality.
In this paper, Kamutando (2019) examines the link between financial constraints, misallocation and firm growth in the informal manufacturing sector in Zimbabwe.
This project explores an intervention to encourage the take-up of M-CADJU in Guinea-Bissau, a live-fair-price mobile phone information service that helps farmers maximise the price they receive for their produce.
Large and regular seasonal price fluctuations in local grain markets appear to offer African farmers substantial intertemporal arbitrage opportunities, but these opportunities remain largely unexploited.
Economic growth requires confidence in the state's ability to enforce secure exchange. But when states selectively enforce rule of law, political considerations can moderate the trust that buyers have in sellers.