
The Morale Effects of Pay Inequality

The idea that worker utility is affected by co-worker wages has potentially broad labour market implications.

Journal Article
1 May 2018

Foreign Direct Investment and Knowledge Diffusion in Poor Locations: Evidence from Ethiopia

Abebe et al. (2018) quantify foreign direct investment (FDI) spillovers by comparing changes in total factor productivity (TFP) among domestic plants in districts that attracted a large greenfield foreign plant and districts where greenfield FDI was licensed but not yet operational.

Working Paper
1 Mar 2018

Lighting Up Bihar: Electrification to Sustain Economic Growth

This project seeks to provide experimental evidence on the relationship between electricity supply and small business creation and growth.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Productivity and Intrinsic Motivation: The Case of Ranking Feedback

This experiment in a Bangladeshi sweater factory seeks to determine whether providing workers with information on their relative performance can increase their motivation and productivity.

Research Project
22 Apr 2016

A Detailed Anatomy of Factor Misallocation in India

Duranton at al. (2016) complements the results of earlier work on factor misallocation. The paper first expands the methodology and provides two important decompositions for the main indices.

Working Paper
1 Jan 2016

Turnover Taxes and Productivity: Evidence from a Brazilian Tax Reform

Caprettini and Ciccone (2015) exploit a Brazilian tax reform to study the productivity losses caused by taxes on turnover, a type of tax that distorts transactions between firms and that is common in developing countries.

Working Paper
29 Nov 2015

Transportation Costs and Regional Differences in Scale of Operation

This study quantify the effect of high transportation costs on productivity and welfare in India, particularly by examining supply to remote areas and the holders of monopoly power. 

Research Project
17 Jul 2014

The Static and Dynamic Allocation of Jobs, Firm Productivity and the Social Impact of Employment

This project estimates the effect of limited observability of worker ability and employer statistical discrimination on the efficiency with which jobs are allocated, firm productivity, and the career effects of obtaining a job.

Research Project
22 Jun 2014

What Causes Dispersion in Revenue and Output across Firms? The Brick Industry in India

This detailed study of the Indian brick industry allows for reliable estimates of firm productivity, disentangling competing explanations of variations in revenue and output across firms such as capital misallocation, market power, and adjustment costs.

Research Project
1 May 2012
