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Exploratory Research Grant Projects

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Piloting an Internship Program for Young Ethiopian Entrepreneurs

This project begins the initial work into creating a feasible pilot internship program for young Ethiopians, in order to study the impact of training in entrepreneurial skills and improved business networks on the emergence and growth of new firms in developing countries. 

Research Project
1 May 2012

Price Integration in Low-Income Countries: Market Structure and Retail Price-Setting Behaviour in Lesotho

This project examines price-setting behavior in Lesotho to understand pricing and market segmentation in low-income countries characterized by frictions preventing price arbitrage, such as weak infrastructure, poor distribution networks, and 'thin' markets. 

Research Project
1 May 2012

The Relationship Between Private Ordering and the State in Nigeria

In countries with weakly institutionalized legal environments, private contract enforcement mechanisms arise to facilitate trade. This project focuses on cheating in business and the interaction between private contract enforcement and public legal institutions. 

Research Project
1 May 2012

Highways, Firm Productivity, and Allocative Efficiency in India

This project evaluates the impact of highway construction in India on several aspects of economic activity including firm productivity, allocative efficiency and the entry of new firms into the manufacturing industry.

Research Project
1 May 2012

Managerial Capital and Business Transformation in Low-Income Countries

This research examines the dynamics of how managerial capital might help entrepreneurs in low-income countries to transform their businesses from micro- to small-sized enterprises and from small- to medium-sized enterprises.

Research Project
1 Jan 2012

Agricultural Productivity and Industrial Growth. Evidence from Brazil

This project studies the effect of productivity growth in agriculture through the adoption of a new technology, genetically modified soybean seeds, on industrial development in Brazil.

Research Project
1 Jan 2012

Mechanisms of Demand Building and Export Dynamics of Chinese Footwear Firms

This project aims to improve the understanding of reasons underlying the success of footwear-exporting private enterprises from China by building a dynamic structural model of firm demand and innovative data collective involving pilot studies.

Research Project
1 Jan 2012

Using Mobile Salary Payments to Improve Afghan Firm Performance

The research team considers the ability of mobile salary payments in Afghanistan to mitigate constraints on workers and businesses such as weak security, reliability, and efficiency by examining the deployment of a service that allows Afghan firms to pay salaries directly to employees' mobile phones.

Research Project
1 Jan 2012

Flying Geese in Ethiopia's Leather Cluster? Understanding Asian/Chinese Impact

This project seeks to understand the recent impact on Ethiopia's leather value chain of investment and growing interest from predominantly Asian/Chinese firms in order to inform policies to foster productivity-enhancing linkages between foreign and local firms. 

Research Project
1 Jan 2012
