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Showing 190-198 of 325 results

Productivity and Competition in the Indian Brick Industry

The goal of this project is to gain further insight into the low productivity of firms in developing countries, and why competitive forces have not led to stronger selective pressures.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Increasing Productivity and Safety of SMEs by Monitoring Drivers in Kenya’s Public Transport Sector

This project will provide monitoring technology to SMEs in a randomized controlled trial to improve their ability to write effective contracts with their employees.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

The Importance of Firm Networks: Methods and Evidence from Transaction-Level Administrative Data

This project seeks to understand if constraints on firm productivity in low-income countries are due to the interactions among firms and sectors in a developing economy.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Smoothing Frictions in Worker Tenure and Productivity: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants in the Garment Sector

This project seeks to understand the impacts of tenure, assessing impacts on both worker welfare and workplace productivity.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Who benefits from export-oriented industrial growth? The effects of industrial jobs versus informal entrepreneurship on workers

This survey aims to uncover who benefits from rapid industrialisation, and whether alternatives such as entrepreneurship offer better prospects for individuals.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Virtual Social Networks and Entrepreneurship in Low-Income Countries: A Randomized Controlled Experiment in Ghana

This project aims to test whether poor social networks are a key factor limiting the rise of entrepreneurial behaviour in rural areas of low-income countries.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Buy from Your Kin: Microenterprise Customer Base, Productivity and Market Power

This project provides original evidence on the market forces that shape businesses in low-income countries; arguing that social and kinship ties influence competition and productivity because of their influence on business’ access to customers.

Research Project
13 Dec 2016

Increasing SME productivity in Uganda: Leveraging clusters to train and create linkages

This study conducts a unique experimental evaluation of an intervention that focuses on technical training and the creation of economies of scale among small enterprises to increase access to markets.

Research Project
13 Dec 2016

IT Sector, Mobility Barriers and Knowledge Spillover in Palestine

This project evaluates the impact of mobility restrictions imposed by military occupation on the development of the IT sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Research Project
10 May 2016
