Large Firms

Supply Chains in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Kenya’s Production Network

Trading relationships between suppliers and buyers play a key role in transmitting both local and international shocks.

Journal Article
1 Jul 2023

Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Large-Scale Firms in Nepal

We document the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on large-scale firms in Nepal and their response to the new challenges using a mixed-method approach.

C-19 Note
28 Apr 2023

Firm size and mobility: descriptive evidence from the Senegalese formal sector, 2008-2020

Since 2008, the 10% largest firms in Senegal have consistently accounted for 90% of the total revenue of the private formal sector.

Research Note
13 Mar 2023

Information Frictions and Firms’ Trading Decisions: Evidence from the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) - Follow Up

This follow-up project investigates the effect of an information provision on trade agreements on international trade and firm growth.

Research Project
1 Mar 2023

African Continental Integration and Firm Awareness of Trade Policy: Evidence from a Kenyan Pilot Study

This project assesses the importance of an as-yet underappreciated potential barrier to international trade and firm growth: firms being uninformed about trade costs and unaware of trade agreements relevant to their sector.

Working Paper
8 Dec 2022

Information Frictions and Firms’ Trading Decisions: Evidence from the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA)

This project will assess, through a randomised control trial, whether providing information about AfCFTA affects firms’ decisions to expand their international operations.

Research Project
1 Apr 2022

The Impact of Firm Downsizing on Workers: Evidence from Ethiopia’s Ready-Made Garment Industry

We analyze matched employee-employer data from Ethiopia’s largest special economic zone during a period of downsizing pressure from the COVID-19 world import demand shock.

Working Paper
3 Mar 2022

Ghanaian Firms and the Evolution of the Manufacturing Sector in Ghana

As a result of this project the Ghanaian 2014 Integrated Business Establishment Survey (IBES) firm census microdata has been made publicly available through DataFirst, a microdata repository at the University of Cape Town.

Research Note
30 Jun 2021

Empowering the measurement of economic growth on the ground: Exploring energy use and enterprise behaviours in Dhaka

This project will construct a database of the energy use of manufacturing enterprises in Dhaka to identify firm growth and economic outcomes over time and space.

Research Project
29 Jun 2021

What is a Firm Census in a Developing Country? An Answer from Ghana

A burgeoning literature in economics uses firm census data to provide explanations for the very large differences in income per capita across countries.

Working Paper
1 Nov 2020
