Landmines affect the lives of millions in many conflict-ridden communities long after the cessation of hostilities. However, there is little research on the role of demining.
Firm location decisions are one of the most important decisions managers make, optimizing factors such as proximity to customers, suppliers, and useful information.
We evaluate a policy which relocated over 20,000 firms identified as polluting from central Delhi to industrial areas on the outskirts of the metro area. Roughly 58% of these firms ceased operation as a result of having been relocated.
In a move to promote more sustainable technologies in the construction sector, in 2019 the Government of Bangladesh introduced a shift from fired clay bricks to blocks in public construction.
This project assesses the importance of an as-yet underappreciated potential barrier to international trade and firm growth: firms being uninformed about trade costs and unaware of trade agreements relevant to their sector.