Climate, environment and social compliance

Environmental Regulations and Firm Performances in the Chinese Manufacturing Sector

This project aims at solving an economic long standing debate over the effects of environmental regulation on firms’ performance.

Research Project
12 Sep 2017

Mitigating Market Frictions by Monitoring Employees in SMEs: A Field Experiment in Kenya's Public Transport Sector (Stage Two)

This project expands a previous intervention that implemented a fleet management system in Kenya’s semi-formal public transport system along three margins: possible negative effects of the tracking system, role of cash incentives in enhancing safety and increasing duration and participation to the pilot.

Research Project
13 Jan 2017

The Impact of Climate and Pollution on Worker Productivity: Evidence from India (Stage Two)

This project seeks to explore the role of management in responding to productivity shocks, within the context of pollution in an Indian garment factory.

Research Project
22 Dec 2016

Transparent Environmental Regulation and Industrial Performance (Stage Two)

This project tests whether greater knowledge of pollution data, for regulators and for the public, can make regulation more effective in the Indian energy sector.

Research Project
22 Dec 2016

Lighting Up Bihar: Electrification to Sustain Economic Growth

This project seeks to provide experimental evidence on the relationship between electricity supply and small business creation and growth.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Productivity and Competition in the Indian Brick Industry

The goal of this project is to gain further insight into the low productivity of firms in developing countries, and why competitive forces have not led to stronger selective pressures.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Increasing Productivity and Safety of SMEs by Monitoring Drivers in Kenya’s Public Transport Sector

This project will provide monitoring technology to SMEs in a randomized controlled trial to improve their ability to write effective contracts with their employees.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

Who benefits from export-oriented industrial growth? The effects of industrial jobs versus informal entrepreneurship on workers

This survey aims to uncover who benefits from rapid industrialisation, and whether alternatives such as entrepreneurship offer better prospects for individuals.

Research Project
15 Dec 2016

From informal to formal high growth ventures

This exploratory research aims to investigate and identify outcomes and growth of incubators in Botswana, Namibia, Kenya and Uganda.

Research Project
12 Apr 2016

Rural Market Deregulation: Evidence from Indian Agriculture

This project explores the effects of an important deregulation reform in the agricultural marketing sector in India, which allowed private marketing channels to farmers previously limited to the government markets.

Research Project
9 Mar 2016
