
Exit from Informality: Carrot and Stick

Using one treatment to reduce the costs of registration for firms and one to emphasize the legal costs of informality, this project seeks to identify specific policy interventions designed to induce the formalization of firms.

Research Project
1 May 2012

Haitian Business Elites and Their Consequences for Development

The research identifies which Haitian institutions contribute to underdevelopment by limiting access to international trade, and aims to study how these restrictions affect the distribution of gains from trade throughout Haitian society.

Research Project
1 May 2012

The Impact of Exporting: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment

By analyzing small-scale enterprises in Egypt's carpet industry, this project disentangles causal effects of exporting on productivity and welfare measures, as well as analyzes the firm-specific factors that contribute to export success.

Research Project
1 May 2012

Highways, Firm Productivity, and Allocative Efficiency in India

This project evaluates the impact of highway construction in India on several aspects of economic activity including firm productivity, allocative efficiency and the entry of new firms into the manufacturing industry.

Research Project
1 May 2012

Agricultural Productivity and Industrial Growth. Evidence from Brazil

This project studies the effect of productivity growth in agriculture through the adoption of a new technology, genetically modified soybean seeds, on industrial development in Brazil.

Research Project
1 Jan 2012
